<text>這裡顯示上傳與排隊的情況. 您可以使用每一個排隊隊伍左側的 + 來展開; and filter what is displayed with the button on the
<string id="16388" value="This option uses services provided by Bitzi.com for recognising and sharing information about selected files.\n\nShareaza will transmit the SHA1 hash code for the selected file(s) in order to query the Bitzi database. If you are concerned about privacy, you may wish to consult the Bitzi.com privacy policy.\n\nWould you like to proceed?"/>
<string id="16390" value="您還沒有選擇一個與檔案產生關聯的多媒體播放程式, 像是 Nullsoft WinAmp. 您現在要選擇嗎?\n\nShareaza will pass the name of the file to your selected program with the "/ADD" argument."/>
<string id="18505" value="Please enter a valid range to erase. The "from" field is the first byte to erase, the "last" field is the last byte to erase."/>
<string id="18506" value="無法從這個下載抹除選擇的部分, 因為沒有存在的part of the range."/>
<control caption="Shareaza 沒有包含任何 "間碟軟體", "廣告軟體" 或是其他 bundled 軟體. It does NOT display any advertisements or "popups", ever.{n}{n}If you ever see advertising or "popups" while using Shareaza, be assured that they are NOT coming from this program."/>